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Top Student Issues In College Life

Top Student Issues.

While many people look at their college years with fondness and consider it an unforgettable experience, the student life can be full of obstacles. Even though every situation is unique however, there are some challenges that nearly all college students face at some point while they’re enrolled in classes.

Managing Time

The problem is that college courses can be difficult. For most students, college courses are more demanding than high school classes. Colleges, in contrast to most high schools, often squeeze two years of content into one. Although many students enroll for a whole 15-credit semester, others try to squeeze in more than up to 21 or 18 credits. It’s difficult to keep track of everything at times.

Be aware of your limits. In the long run it’s better to enroll in fewer classes (15) in case you are unable to manage 18 credits in a semester. While getting the best knowledge that you can is the purpose of a college, it is not a requirement for continuous study.


Problem: The price of tuition is increasing at an alarmingly fast rate. When you mix these costs together with the cost of housing or food, the cost of equipment, transportation and textbooks, you’ve got yourself an unsustainable debt burden. The majority of financial experts advise that borrowers not to take on more than the amount they plan on in their first year of college.

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The increasing cost of tuition is making it difficult to adhere to this rule. A survey conducted among students in high schools found that over 50% of them didn’t think of enrolling in the four-year institution as cost was an important factor in preventing them from doing so.

Solution: Getting a student loan isn’t difficult at all. But the majority of students are not aware of the process for repayment or the time it will be to pay back their loans. This confusion only makes the process more difficult. Understanding the specifics of the loans you use to finance your education is an important element to the entire process. To get a complete picture of the debt that you’re accepting, meet with a financial professional.

Overspreading Oneself

The issue is that many students need to get a job to pay the expensive tuition at college. It can be difficult to manage the demands of a job, 15-18 credit hours relationship, extracurricular activities. Many students attempt to squeeze all of these tasks in one day, which leads to their sleeping insufficiently. Students who do not have enough sleep have a higher chance to develop psychological and physical health problems.


Problem: Many students will feel homesick at some point in their lives, whether they admit that they are experiencing it, or do not. This is particularly true for students who attend schools that are located more than 3 hours from home. As it’s their first time far from their home the freshmen are more susceptible to suffering.

Solution To make frequent visits to the home If you are located within three to four hours from home (a easy day trip). Ask for the delivery of care packages and phone calls as well as emails from family members and friends. These steps will significantly assist in reducing the feeling of being homesick. 

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The issue is that each item on this list is likely to cause students to be stressed out, and can trigger depression. The pleasure of partying can provide people with a temporary respite, however when it is done in excess or over a long period it can cause depression.

Answer: If you feel depressed or stress are a source of stress seek assistance from a professional. Numerous colleges offer counseling services for students. Counselors are trained to communicate with students and assist them to get back to their path.

Illness/Health Issues

Problem: Health issues could be caused by more stress, insufficient self-care, and a lack of sleep. Being in close quarters is unhealthful and could increase the chances that a student is going to get sick.

Eat healthy, balanced food choices to combat. Also, ensure you get a good night’s rest. Always wash your hands. If you develop a bacterial infection then visit the campus clinic.

Social Issues

Problem: If you’re lucky you’ll get to meet many new people. Making friends is about making new ones by spending time together with your classmates and housemates. But, spending a long amount of time with friends can cause tension and disputes. Social interactions can distract attention.

Solution: Enjoy some time to yourself. If you are able have a break, you can take a moment from classes and head to the mall, a coffee shop or even the neighborhood to breathe in fresh air. Make time for self-care and studying first priority. You can ask your RA or a person to help when disagreements arise and you require help.

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